Lead-Markets for New TechnologY
Customers and markets, which are first in applying new technologies, are attracting research and development sites as well as investment in manufacturing capacities and in jobs by suppliers. To create such lead-markets for example in the field of modern infrastructures, to ensure high-technology competition and to channel investment into high-tech sectors is seen by Edward Krubasik as a common task of policy makers, companies and society at large.
“Hightech Agenda - from research to application. Innovation strategy for futurous jobs in Bavaria”
(„Hightech Agenda – aus der Forschung in die Anwendung.
Innovationsoffensive für Arbeitsplätze der Zukunft in Bayern“)
Position Paper / Economic Council of Bavaria
20 pages, 300 KB
in German language only
“Robotic, autonomous machines, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data”
(„Robotik, Autonome Maschinen, Künstliche Intelligenz, Big Data“)
Position Paper / Economic Council of Bavaria
9 pages, 450 KB
in German language only
„Kooperationen tragen signifikant zur Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Deutschlands bei“ – “Cooperations have a significant effect on increasing Germany's competiveness“
Guest lecture in Verbundjournal
„Vorfahrt für Forschung und mutige Innovationen“ – “Priority for research and brave innovations“
Guest lecture in newspaper “Welt am Sonntag” (in German)
„Leitmarkt Europa – Chance im globalen Wettbewerb“ - “Lead market Europe – Opportunities in global competition”
Article in a publication celebrating the professional contributions Prof. Horst Wildemann (in German)
The objectives of the “Growth and Innovation” commission of the German Economic Council were supported by a series of policy recommendations developed under the leadership of Edward Krubasik: They range from Stimulating Venture Capital and Private Equity Investments to Mobilizing Infrastructure Technology Investments and Cleantech-Investments.
“Position papers of the German Committee for Growth and Innovation 2005-2008” (in German)
German Economic Council
For the Economic Council in Bavaria the “Commission for Industry, Technology and Innovation” under Edward Krubasik developed proposals to strengthen industrial value add and jobs in Bavaria, e.g. in Biotech and I&C industries.
„Neue Wachstumsimpulse für die Biotechnologie in Bayern“ – New growth for biotechnolgy in Bavaria (in German)
Position paper of the German Economic Council
„Informationstechnik in Bayern – Schrumpfung oder Wachstum?“ – “ICT technology jobs in Bavaria – shrinking or growing?” (in German)
Position paper of the German Economic Council
The opportunities of a lead-market in the field of “Telematics” in Germany are described by Edward Krubasik in this contribution:
„Fahrt in die Zukunft“ - “Drive into the future”
Article in Financial Times Deutschland