Speeches AND Publications to support Innovation
Not only as President of the Germany Phyical Society (→ www.dpg-physik.de) (2014–2018) and as ZVEI President (2002–2004), but also as member of the central board of Siemns and as McKinsey Globel Leader of Innovation & Technology Practice – Prof. Edward G. Krubasik has always been engaged vigorously in new technologies and innovation to drive economical growth in Germany and Europe. You can read and download some of his speeches and publications here:
“How industry and universities can learn from eachother”
(”Wie Industrie und Universitäten voneinander lernen“)
With more than 60 Principal Investigators (PIs) the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine
Intelligence (MIRMI) is perhabs the largest Institute of its kind in Europe....
3 pages, 120 KB
in German language only
„A new forum within the DPG“
Within the DPG a new circle for Physics and Information Technology was founded.
Physik Journal.
1 page, 840 KB
in German language only
“Cooperation for more Innovation”
(„Kooperation für mehr Innovation.“)
A contribution in the Physik Journal (Journal for Physics) 11
1 page, 52 KB
in German language only
“Cooperations help significantly increasing Germany's competitiveness
(„Kooperationen tragen signifikant zur Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Deutschlands bei“)
A contribution in the Verbundjournal August 2016
2 pages, 850 KB
in German language only
“Strategic development” of the DPG in 2015
(„Strategischer Ausbau“)
A contribution in the Physik Journal (Journal for Physics) 01
1 page, 52 KB
in German language only
“A new board within the DPG”
(„Ein neues Forum in der DPG“)
In der DPG wurde der Arbeitskreis für „Physik und moderne Informationstechnologien“ gegründet.
Physik Journal
1 page, 840 KB
in German language only
“Innovation through cooperation”
(„Innovation durch Zusammenarbeit“)
(Editorial article in magazin of the German Bunsen-Society)
1 page, 520 KB
in German language only
“Inspiring light” („Begeisterndes Licht“}
Why the “International year of the light 2015” is a superb chance to awake enthusiasm for technology.
A contribution in the Physik Journal (Journal for Physics) 14
1 page, 840 KB
in German language only
“To win the best as teachers” („Die Besten für das Lehramt gewinnen“)
Why the aggravating scarcity of teachers for physics should not only be addressed by stop-gap measures.
A contribution in the Physik Journal (Journal for Physics) 13
1 page, 75 KB
in German language only
Inaugural address as president of the DPG (German Physical Society)
Location/Audience in Magnus-Haus, Berlin
April 11, 2014
6 pages, 230 KB
in German language only
Programs For Growth, Innovation and Restructering
Innvoation and start-up programs, support of hightech clusters and hightech research and mentoring of start-ups are some of Prof. Edward G. Krubasik's passions. Also his way of turnarounds for tech business is marked as a well-balanced mix of restructering measurements and new impulses for growth. During his time at McKinsey and at Siemens Prof. Edward G. Krubasik lead multiple turnarounds of enterprises and business divisions to success in global competition.
A series of publications Prof. Edward G. Krubasik describing his programs in innovation, growth and turnarounds turnaround results can be read here:
“Success criteria for founding clusters” („Erfolgsfaktoren für Gründer-Cluster“)
(Positionspapier des Ausschusses Industrie, Technologie und Innovationen;
ein Best-Practice-Austausch bayerischer Cluster Manager, junger Unternehmer und Venture Capital Manager in Großunternehmen beim Wirtschaftsbeirat offenbarte ein ganzes Bündel von Faktoren, die über die den Erfolg von Gründer-Clustern entscheiden. )
11 pages, 430 KB
in German language only
“The Stars of Europe: Turnaround Artists”
Article published in Business Week about Edward Krubasik's first successful operations at Siemens
“Engineering a recovery”
Portrait Edward Krubasik and his restructuring strategies for Siemens, published in Financial Times
“An exemplary way to turn trains around”
Article published in Financial Times about Turnaround of Siemens' transportation division
“Siemens clocks up top results”
Article published in Financial Times about the TOP-Programme initiated by Edward Krubasik at Siemens, restructering and change of corporate culture.
“Shrink to grow; Lessons from Innovation and Productivity in the Electronics Industry”
»Standortpflege der Politik und Standortpolitik der Unternehmen« – “Enhancing the attractiveness of investment locations and the competitiveness of enterprises”
Article/Booklet about consequences of globalisation for corporations and politics (published in German by Walter-Raymond foundation)